Sunday, July 17, 2011


I got a cavy about a month ago, and he's always been pretty vocal and active. Today, I was putting him back in his cage after floor time, and I wasn't able to stop him from jumping out of my hands. He was fine at first, but then a few minutes later, he started sneezing for about five minutes, then coughed, then started excessively chewing on his tube toy. Then he started eating his fresh veggies,but then went from those to hay to pellets, back to veggies. Then he went in his pigloo, and has been lying on his side, and nestling his head into the bedding. I have been checking on him, and when I sit down eye level with the cage, he "yawns" and starts clicking his teeth at me. He even charged the cage this last time. I looked around, and some sites say that laying is relaxing. But I've never seen him do this before, and normally his fresh food lasts only minutes, its been like an hour, and he hasn't eaten much, but I always give him food when we are playing. I really hope he's gonna be ok! Also, I know yawning is a sign he's pissed, and his breathing is ABOUT 104 bpm. I say about because he kept moving. And he hasn't made any noises. Not even when he jumped, if he got hurt he would have squeeled right? Could he just be mad at me cuz he is not a fan of going back in his cage?

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